DEADLINE: February 5, 2025
(As approved by the SCSPLS Board of Directors November 7, 1997)
A. Eligibility
- Licensed in South Carolina.
- Resident of South Carolina.
- Prior recipients are ineligible for five (5) years.
- No record of administered disciplinary action by the S.C. State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.
- Must be a member of the South Carolina Society of Professional Land Surveyors.
B. Nominations
SCSPLS Chapter
(a) Nomination letter must have signature of Chapter President and another Chapter elected officer.
(b) Only one nomination per Chapter.
(c) Chapters may nominate same individual as other Chapters.
(d) Chapter members may submit letters of recommendation.
Surveyors at Large
(a) A nomination letter with the signature of two sponsors.
(b) Sponsors must be resident licensed S.C. Land Surveyors.
(c) Recommendation letters from 4 individuals other than the sponsors.
(d) A minimum of two letters of recommendation must be from SCSPLS members who have been members for at least the two preceding years.
Data Required Regarding the Nominee in Nomination Letters
(a) Biographic information.
(b) Specific contributions to the surveying profession.
(c) How the Chapters and/or the sponsors recognized the nominee’s contributions to the profession.
Data Required Regarding the Nominee in Recommendation Letters
(a) Specific contributions to the surveying profession.
(b) How the nominee’s contributions to the surveying profession were recognized.
C. Selection of Surveyor of the Year
C. Selection of Surveyor of the Year
The Vice-President will receive the nominations, review and investigate the nominations. A report and ballot of all eligible nominees shall be mailed to each Board Member and Past President thirty days prior to the SCSPLS Annual Convention. Ballots must be returned ten days prior to convention to be counted. The Vice President, the Immediate Past Surveyor of the Year and the Executive Secretary shall serve as the tellers committee. In the event anyone of these is a nominee for Surveyor of the Year or cannot serve, a replacement shall be appointed by the President. The Surveyor of the Year Award shall be presented at the Annual Convention by the Immediate Past Surveyor of the Year if available.
Mail to SCSPLS, Attn: SOY, 826 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201 or email