10 events found.
Chili Cookoff and Social Meeting
Pleasant Ridge Park Double Cabin 4232 Hwy 11, Marietta, SC, United StatesPleasant Ridge Park Double Cabin 4232 Hwy 11, Marietta, SC 29661
Surveyor of the Year Submissions Due
Surveyor of the Year nominations due to SCSPLS. CLICK HERE to review the requirements.
Plat Contest Submissions Due
Plat Contest Due to SCSPLS. CLICK HERE to review the requirements.
2021 HYBRID SCSPLS Convention and Technical Conference
Click HERE for more information.
SCSPLS Quarterly Meeting
James Island County Park 871 Riverland Drive, Charleston, SC, United StatesSCSPLS Quarterly Meeting James Island County Park Conference Center 871 Riverland Drive, Charleston, SC 29412
Surveyors Day at SC State House
Mid May – Exact Date TBD