Emeritus Membership Dues reflect the current information on file as a member through June 30. Membership application for Emeritus Membership Renewal must be filled out completely for year beginning July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Emeritus Membership applications will be presented at the next Board meeting for approval.

In accordance with the MOU between SCSPLS and NSPS, beginning January 2014, Full members of SCSPLS that are residents of South Carolina will automatically be members of the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) and entitled to all the privileges and benefits of NSPS membership. Emeritus members of SCSPLS whose legal residence is in SC are allowed to take part in the NSPS membership program on an optional basis at an annual fee of $40, in their respective NSPS membership category. If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please mail in your check for $40 to be included in the roster of NSPS members.

  • I would like to join NSPS and/or make a PAC Contribution.
  • $0.00